In 1894, with the introduction of the alphabets “A, AW, B” to Mizoram, a new door to knowledge and learning was opened for the community, igniting a spark of curiosity and a fervent desire for education. Education began to flourish, with the establishment of the first school in the same year. The Lower Primary School was introduced in 1901, and by 1903, the first Lower Primary School exams were conducted, marking the opening of a Middle School.However, the journey to achieving high school education was a long and arduous one. Despite the tireless efforts of our pioneering educators and leaders, such as the Young Lushai Association (YLA) and the Mizo Kings, the establishment of a high school eluded us for many years. Rev. Zairema, a pioneering educator and the first Mizo to hold a B.Sc. (Hons) degree,had a long and distinguished career in teaching. After working as a high school teacher outside of Mizoram and serving as the Headmaster at Phaitual Middle School, he teamed up with Lalbuaia, a respected District council leader and Member of Parliament, to establish a private high school in Aizawl. This was due to the government’s refusal to permit the establishment of high school at the time. Despite their tireless efforts and multiple requests for permission, Major A.G. MC Call not only rejected their submissions, but also cruelly berated them for their attempts, leaving them hopeless
Amidst the raging fury of the Second World War, a courageous and intrepid leader by the nameof A.R.H MacDonald was sent to Mizoram to take over for Major A.G. McCall. Upon his arrival, he was met by Pu Lalbuaia and his associates, who urgently brought to his attention the critical need for a high school in the area. Flabbergast! Mr. MacDonald (the new Lushai Administrator) urged them “How can it be that such a place is without a high school? It is crucial that one is established as soon as possible.” His powerful words and diplomatic approach convinced the Mizo kings and officials to agree to build a high school in 1943.Meetings with community leaders were organized and held at the residence of Aizawl King Pu Hrawva on a Sunday evening, and it was decided that the high school would open its doors in the beginning of 1944.
The Christian Missionaries (Welsh Missionaries) in Aizawl were thrilled to learn that the government and the public had decided to establish high schools. Because the dream they had been chasing for so long, but never quite managed to grasp on their own, was finally within reach, they threw themselves into action with renewed vigor. They formed an exceptional school management committee. The pioneering members of this committee were:
- MacDonald, the Superintendent of North Lushai Hills,
- Reverend B.E. Jones, the Honorable Inspector of Schools in North Lushai Hills,
- Reverend J.M. Loyd, the Headmaster,
- Buchhawna, Asst. Supdt. N.Lushai Hills,
- Sainginga, P.A. to Supdt.,
- Vanlaldailova, Head Clerk,
- Ngura, Durtlang
- Lalsailova, Kelsih Lal,
- Lalhmingthanga (P & Sons) and Teacher Represent
Upon the formation of the school Management Committee, their esteemed leader, Reverend B.E. Jones, was bestowed the esteemed honor of Honorable Inspector of schools by the government. Through diligent and strategic planning, the inaugural High School in Mizoram was established on an auspicious day, the 25th of February, in the year 1944.

Govt Mizo High School
The family of the first Headmaster of Govt Mizo High School visited the school
First Row Sitting (Left to Right): Rualkhumi, Biaknemi, Rothuami, Thanchhumi, Thankhumi, Thangnovi, Saplianchhungi, Rozami, Zokhumi, Dengchhungi, Thangpuii
Second Row Sitting (Left to Right) Teachers: Lalhmuaka, Lalsangpuii, Mrs J.M. Lloyd, Mr. J.M.Lloyd, Malsawmi, G.Rees Robert, Lalsanga
Third Row Sitting (Left to Right): K.C.Lalvunga, Zahnuna, Lalbiaka, Lalrova, Thanzauva, Lalsangliana, Tlangtinmawia, Biakzauva, Pi Zaii (katie Huges), Lalzuiliana, J Malsawma, Kawlkhuma, Lalkhawliana, Thanzinga, Dengchhunga, Hauthuama.